Hello guy’s I am presenting today in class. Here are some of the activities that we will be going through… Activity Part One : -We will get into two groups -Group 1 will be for the Pros of mashups and group two will be for the Cons of mashups. -Each group is to …
Tag: Class activity
Mar 28
In Class Activity Evaluation(March 28)by Sadia Sylla and Jaritza Flores
1. What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish. Our first activity was the game of Jeoprady. Our 2nd activity was the making of an app that is related to Bitcoin and uses blockchain. Me and Jaritza hoped to have the …
Mar 27
MCS 224: Sadia and Jaritza
We made a powerpoint explaning Apps,Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Digital Currency. After telling the class what these are, we made a jeoprady game to make the activity a little bit fun. The winning group would get a pack of candy. After this, their is a second activity design your own digital currency. What would you want …
Mar 26
Presentation: Mobility and Locative: Apps, Blockchain, and Digital Currency Industries
Hello Students and Professor Cohen, On Thursday, Sadia and I will present the topic of Apps, Blockchain, and Digital Currency Industries that will help learn about our society through the digital world. Below is the agenda for our presentation this Thursday. Learning about Apps, the history of Blockchain, and how does digital currency play a …
Mar 26
(No title)
Melanie Beltran and Sureiny Fermin March 23, 2019 What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish. For Activity two, the class had to recreate apps and consider the pros and cons regarding foods and how it could bring people from diverse …
Mar 25
Class activity for Sureiny Fermin and Melanie Beltran (March 21)
Activity 1= Students are shown an ad/campaign and have to analyze it in groups of four answering one of the 5 key points from the reading. We will discuss each group’s answers. ( Elizabeth Thoman and Tessa Jolls, Media Literacy: A National Priority for a Changing World) https://www.theguardian.com/sport/video/2018/sep/07/nike-releases-full-ad-featuring-colin-kaepernick-video Key Question #1: Who created this message? …
Feb 27
Class Activity: Media and Political Campaigns Evaluation
By Jacqueline Minelli & Brittany Aufiero What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish. The topic of the activity Brittany and I created was about the media and political campaigns. It was separated into two parts. The first part of the …
Feb 21
Class Activity: Media and Political Campaigns
By Brittany Aufiero and Jacqueline Minelli Hi everyone! Jackie and I are looking forward to presenting today on Media and Political Campaigns. As a heads up, here are the activities that we will be spending time on today in class: Part One: Discussion In groups, consider the different outlets where you receive your political news: …
Feb 17
Group Activity Evaluation
Nairim Michel Mariano Montague What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish. Our activity consisted of identifying the differences between blog posts and news. We created a 3 part activity based off true or false and creating two posts to …
Feb 14
MCS 224: FEB 14 Mariano & Nairim
The class activity is broken into 3 parts , part1 is determining whether or not the statements are a blog post or a traditional post . Part 2 is to create 2 headlines, one that would most likely be from a traditional news report, and one from a blog. Part 3 is choosing one headline …