Author's posts
Mar 19
Class 7: Internet of Things
The issue of the smart home technology marketing and convincing consumers into integrating these services into their daily lives; as the newest convenience that they should or must have as a way to lock in the huge target market by tech companies, creating more of a problem upon them versus a new level of …
Feb 27
Class Activity: Media and Political Campaigns Evaluation
By Jacqueline Minelli & Brittany Aufiero What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish. The topic of the activity Brittany and I created was about the media and political campaigns. It was separated into two parts. The first part of the …
Feb 19
Social Media and Political Campaigns
In today’s society the use of social media in political campaigns has grown quickly in importance. There is positive and negative effects of social media playing a role in political campaigns. These social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are bringing voters and politicians closer together. In the past years, voters had to …
Feb 07
Blogging vs Traditional
I feel like blogs can not completely take over traditional news sources. Thousands of blogs were created in the past and many of them weren’t successful. Traditional news sources have journalists that been studying a variety of different subjects. They have knowledge because they are the ones doing the actual research and finding the stories. …
Jan 31
Jacqueline Minelli: How has Social Media Affected Us as a Society
Overall, based on the reading I believe social media has negatively impacted our society. Companies like Facebook started out as a new exciting way to connect with other people. I don’t think it was ever intended to do harm to our society. As time went on, I feel like most of these social media sites …