Category: Uncategorized

Impact of Cell Phones (FINAL)

Aaron Watkins Media Communications Communications in Society   The Impact of Cell Phones     Communication strategies around the world have taken on many forms throughout the history of civilization. Whether it was a smoke signal, a telegraph or even a carrier pigeon that may or may not have made it in time; the desire …

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final essay

Ninoska Zarzuela Prof. Jonah Bruckner Final Project In 2005, a time when the internet was still in its infancy stage was introduced to a creation that would help in molding the way we share videos and express ourselves. YouTube founded by 3 employees of PayPal, was a technology within the computer that would help shape …

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Copyrights are the reasoning why people can create content they desire and not have to worry about having what they create being stolen. There are people who generally want to take others hard work and claim it as their own but then there are those who want to pay homage to the originator. They feel …

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Class Activity

Hello guy’s I am presenting today in class. Here are some of the activities that we will be going through…   Activity Part One : -We will get into two groups -Group 1 will be for the Pros of mashups and group two will be for the Cons of mashups.   -Each group is to …

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Piracy and Privacy

Piracy is something we’ve been seeing since the history of the mankind, this is an old Viking term that means to board someone else’s ship and rob them of all of their treasures to claim as your own. This is an issue for anyone who owns something but someone with a volatile approach takes what …

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Online Communities

Social networks are a major source in today’s age with everything that can be done through these sites. People have launched their careers from some social media platforms and even utilized it to make sure that they have a steady stream of income through companies who are giving out sponsorships for people who have influence …

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Media Theory

The medium is very important to how we consume media due to how much society may rely on it to consume their information and continue to spread information. Sometimes it’s hard to decipher who’s an authentic source because it’s shown that people tend to manipulate media in order to push a narrative that may not …

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How are mashups posing a potential threat to copyright laws online?   A mashup, is a technique that allows for a website, or web applicator to use data from different sources to create a new content. Mashups, are definitely posing a threat to copyright laws online because, everything is accessible for you to use and …

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How is piracy hurting the case for copyright online?

Piracy is a term used to elucidate on the illegal copying of licensed and copyrighted materials from the Internet.  In many ways it hurts the case for copyright online because a lot of the times it is very difficult to stop these piracy services even when they are stealing your content.  One of the main …

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How is piracy hurting the case for copyright online?

Piracy is defined as the unauthorized used of someone’s work and claiming it as if its yours. Piracy and theft can be very similar however, what separates the two is the idea that theft you are taking someone else’s work and changing the content of it as if it was your own and piracy you …

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