In simple terms, mashups are generally when the vocal from one song is laid over the music from another. In the article “1+1+1=1 The New Math of Mashups,” a well-known mashup album called “Collision Course” is a combination of Linkin Park’s vocals with work from Jay Z’s “The Black Album” which proved to be an …
April 2019 archive
Apr 30
How are mashups posing a potential threat to copyright laws online? A mashup, is a technique that allows for a website, or web applicator to use data from different sources to create a new content. Mashups, are definitely posing a threat to copyright laws online because, everything is accessible for you to use and …
Apr 30
Mashups are when content gets remixed or people remix online content. It creates a potential threat to copyrights due to producers creating their own media based off of a original idea. So, they are not stealing, just editing it to their own taste. With copyright, it is mandatory to receive permission to use someone else’s …
Apr 30
Mashups = A Threat to Copyright Laws? By Jaritza Flores-Garcia
Copyright laws were made to ensure the safety and security of the World Wide Web but in some situations, users made music to gain popularity from their fans and their songs could top the charts in the music business, then what happens when two recordings were combined to create a powerful song that could spread …
Apr 30
How are mashups posing a potential threat to copyright laws online? Mashups are posting a potential threat to the copyright laws especially in this generation because it is so easy to do now. In today’s world music is easily made through apps and software and mashing up songs together has been more easier than …
Apr 30
Mashups are starting to become more common in the music industry today. Mashups are when two or more artists collaborate and create a new type of sound. One artist can supply the beats while the other artist supplies the lyrics. Mashups are innovative ways to bring the fans fresh, new sounds. Mashups could also be …
Apr 30
How are mashups posing a potential threat to copyright laws online?
Briana J Lugo MCS 244 Professor Brucker-Cohen April 29, 2019 How are mashups posing a potential threat to copyright laws online? Mashups are a mixture of multiple songs to create a whole new song, using different parts of the songs to create a whole new sound. There are definitely many pros and cons when it …
Apr 30
Mashups Posing a Potential Threat
Mashups have been commonly popular through the years sometimes getting more recognition then the songs themselves. To begin mashups are a recording created by digitally combining and synchronizing instrumental tracks with vocal tracks from two or more different songs. According to the article “1+1+1=1” by Sasha Frere Jones Mashups find new uses for current digital …
Apr 30
Mashups are when an artists “mashes” two or more songs into one whole song and posts it somewhere for people to hear. This has always been a complicated issue between copyright infringement and being able to allow the creator of the mashup to receive monetary value for their work. In “1+1+1=1” by Sasha Frere-Jones, she …
Apr 29
Melanie Beltran MCS 244 April 29, 2019 Mashups are collaborations between two or more companies or artists. Mashups have consequences for companies and artists. In Henry Jenkins’ “Taking the You Out of YouTube?” it states, “YouTube, along with Second Life, Flickr, Wikipedia, and MySpace, has emerged as one of the key reference points in contemporary …