Melanie Beltran and Sureiny Fermin
March 23, 2019
- What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish.
For Activity two, the class had to recreate apps and consider the pros and cons regarding foods and how it could bring people from diverse backgrounds together yet still maintain their identities.
- Did you think it was successful?
It was extremely successful. Everyone was involved and gave their inputs. There was a class discussion regarding media and how it could have affected people during the 2016 election.
- Did it achieve your implied goals?
We wanted our audience to understand the advantages and disadvantages med in a changing global world.
- What did you learn from the experience?
I learned that we grow within the media. It has an affect on us whether its mentally or emotionally. It connects us to people and can also push us away. It all depends on how its being used. The main thing was homogenization.
- How would you take this project further as a research tool and what results would you hope to achieve?
Maybe looking into how homogenization affected people negatively and researching if people have combated it, the success and the failures and figuring out if there is a solution to homogenization.
Sureiny Fermin
- What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish.
Activity 1= Students are shown an ad/campaign and have to analyze it in groups of four answering one of the 5 key points from the reading (I will answer the first one). We will discuss each group’s answers. (Elizabeth Thoman and Tessa Jolls, Media Literacy: A National Priority for a Changing World). I was looking to spark a debate on this controversial ad and make my classmates analyze it so that they could notice the ad was more than just a political commentary.
Key Question #1: Who created this message? “All messages are ‘constructed.’” NIKE
Key Question #2: What creative techniques are used to attract my attention? Scary music, grammar, metaphors, etc.
Key Question #3: How might different people understand this message differently from me? “Different people experience the same media message differently”.
Key Question #4: What lifestyles, values and points of view are represented in — or omitted from — this message? “Media have embedded values and points of view.”
Key Question #5: Why is this message being sent? “Media messages are constructed to gain profit and/or power”.
- Did you think it was successful?
I do think this activity was successful because a lot of people were sharing how Nike created this campaign for money and not simply just to aid a cause. This conversation also led to talking about racial injustice, police brutality, and gun rights.
- Did it achieve your implied goals?
This activity did achieve our goal of making sure the students understood the key points from the reading Media literacy:A National Priority for a Changing World. I think it not only drove home the points about how powerful a campaign or ad can be and the hidden meaning behind media that we are exposed to daily.
- What did you learn from the experience?
I learned about the different viewpoints people had on ideas such as the electoral college, police brutality, and racial injustice. A lot of people had very strong opinions on racial injustice and it is no surprise since the class is made up of different ethnicities.
- How would you take this project further as a research tool and what results would you hope to achieve?
I would pose these questions to every student on the Lehman campus and record results. I would see how answers are similar and different across ages, race, major, etc. I would also hope to have a big discussion with different opinions because more people need to be exposed to opinion’s other than what they agree with.