May 2019 archive

Final Essay

Ideas and strategies to communicate better have always been at the heart of conversations about innovation. From as early as humanity can remember, ways of communicating have always been important discussions. How could we easily talk to someone who is too far to visit every minute of the day? With more innovative ways of communicating …

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The Pager

Chayenne McPherson May 11, 2019 MCS 244 – Communication in Society Prof. Brucker-Cohen Final Call Me, Beep Me If You Want to Reach Me: From the beginning of human history, the communication infrastructures set up between long distances had always been a challenge for both senders and receivers. Through the variety of systems set in …

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Television(Final Essay)

I researched the Televison which was a great invention. It helped change the world and how the world is entertain. It help change the acting landscape, because their was more jobs for acting since their had to be telvision shows, and televison movies to be made. But people say it messed up movies. In the …

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Final Paper: Emails

Noelle Duggins MCS 244 Professor Jonah Bruckner-Cohen May 21, 2019 Emails Emails are messages that are sent from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network. Emails are the original group chats. A person is able to type a message and send it to one person or a group of people simultaneously. …

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Final: The Increasing Unpopularity of Emails

Over the past few years, email as a whole has become widely unpopular as a result of new and improved technology that has made it easier for people to communicate in areas such as their job or personal lives. Before the creation of email domains, people communicated through the use of a fax machine and …

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Final: The Online Community and the Individual

Desiree Figueroa MCS 244 Spring 2019 Final Paper According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, in order to achieve self-actualization our basic physiological and safety needs must be met. The next most vital human needs to be met are for love and belonging. (Mcleod, 2018) We live in a world full of complex interactions. The level …

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Impact of Cell Phones (FINAL)

Aaron Watkins Media Communications Communications in Society   The Impact of Cell Phones     Communication strategies around the world have taken on many forms throughout the history of civilization. Whether it was a smoke signal, a telegraph or even a carrier pigeon that may or may not have made it in time; the desire …

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final essay

Ninoska Zarzuela Prof. Jonah Bruckner Final Project In 2005, a time when the internet was still in its infancy stage was introduced to a creation that would help in molding the way we share videos and express ourselves. YouTube founded by 3 employees of PayPal, was a technology within the computer that would help shape …

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Final- The Effect of Texting on Communication

Sureiny Fermin Professor Johan Cohen Communication in Society May 20, 2019 The Effect of Texting on Communication History The communication technology I have chosen is texting. Texting is a modern phenomenon that has transformed the live of billions. SMS stands for short message service and was developed during the GSM technology. According to “A SMS …

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FINAL: Social Networking and Future (VR and AR)

Mariano Montague MCS 224 Professor Brucker Cohen 5/19/19 Social Networking and The Future (VR & AR) In 2019 communication and their technologies have been a major  impact in today’s society. Communication technologies have dated back to the 1800s so it is no surprise that many years later we have advanced to half the entire population …

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