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- Television(Final Essay) — 1 comments
May 22
I researched the Televison which was a great invention. It helped change the world and how the world is entertain. It help change the acting landscape, because their was more jobs for acting since their had to be telvision shows, and televison movies to be made. But people say it messed up movies. In the …
Apr 16
Piracy is a practice similar to piracy but in other contexts, especially hijacking or the unauthorized use or reproduction of another’s work. As we know, this happens in the world of social media and technology, people taking other people work and claming it as their own. People have been hacking since I can know of …
Apr 09
Social software is a computer software that enables users to interact and share data. People use social software to talk with friends, and meet new people. Yes social software can be bad for many reasons like cyber bullying, or people making fake pages or accounts to be able to talk to people but it is …
Apr 02
From Wikepidia, a a Canadian philosper by the name Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase Medium is the message in 1964. In this article, it says, ” It means that the nature of a medium (the channel through which a message is transmitted) is more important than the meaning or content of the message. McLuhan tells …
Mar 28
1. What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish. Our first activity was the game of Jeoprady. Our 2nd activity was the making of an app that is related to Bitcoin and uses blockchain. Me and Jaritza hoped to have the …
Mar 27
We made a powerpoint explaning Apps,Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Digital Currency. After telling the class what these are, we made a jeoprady game to make the activity a little bit fun. The winning group would get a pack of candy. After this, their is a second activity design your own digital currency. What would you want …
Mar 26
Apps have changed the way we view money as, since now we can put money in a bitcoin now. Because of this, apps have changed the digital delivery marketplace. Money can spread faster now. In the text, ” The Fierce Battle for the Soul of Bitcoin,” by Robert Mcmillan, it says,” Once the …
Mar 19
Media Forms translate through culture by the use of technology including but not limited to phones, laptops, smart tvs, etc. because we can text and use social media and as technology expands more, everybody in the world can watch the same things as someone in thee other side of the world can. In the text, …
Mar 12
I believe that the internet was intended to be beneficial, but over time it became detrimental. As people started to take the internet for granted, some people started to find ways to hurt people through the internet. Their has been cyberbullying, which has led to people commiting sucide and having laws made up for bullying …
Mar 05
After reading these articles, web streaming has helped consumers, while hurting tradational TV. Specifically, the Netflixes and Hulus in the world have took a lot of viewers from Traditional TV and they have made content more easlity asseciable than Television. One example for this isthat in Netflix, they have Avengers Infinity Wars but in a …