As time has passed, crowdsourcing has been the root of many changes within the ways in which companies approach creating content. Crowdsourcing is the practice of engaging a group for the same goal. It’s all about obtaining tools and services needed for ones business from a large amount of people instead a small common group. …
February 2019 archive
Feb 27
Class Activity: Aleksandra & Briana
Hey guys so tomorrow, Briana and I will be presenting about crowdsourcing & user-generated content. We plan the presentation to be about 10 minutes, and we have 2 group activities which will take around 20 minutes. See you then!
Feb 27
Class Activity: Media and Political Campaigns Evaluation
By Jacqueline Minelli & Brittany Aufiero What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish. The topic of the activity Brittany and I created was about the media and political campaigns. It was separated into two parts. The first part of the …
Feb 26
Digital and Reality Television
In this advanced technological age, traditional television is becoming less and less relevant to the modern viewer’s experience. While in the past, audiences were required to arrange their lives around television networks and pre-scheduled broadcastings, the typical viewer experience is becoming transformed by the presence of streaming services and click-and-buy On Demand access to content. …
Feb 26
Melanie Beltran MCS 244 February 17, 2019 Crowdsourcing changes the way that companies approach creating content by selling goods and services that equally appeal to consumers. Technology has only advanced over the years and has both benefited and hindered businesses by trying to attract consumers. In the article, “The Rise of Crowdsourcing” states, “Technological advances …
Feb 26
Crowdsourcing is defined as a means of getting tools and services needed for business from a large group as opposed to the traditional modes that have been established in the past. Crowdsourcing relies heavily on media generated from the online community and has marked a significant shift in the way media is shared, distributed, used, …
Feb 26
Crowdsourcing, is changing the way companies approach creating content. One of way is doing this is by allowing entrepreneurs access to their potential market needs. In the article, “Crowdsourcing to Get Ideas, and Perhaps Save Money”, the author Constance Gutske states that before Lee Mayer decided to start up her company to test the level …
Feb 26
Crowd Sourcing – Jontae Zapata
As technology further develops and reaches as many people as possible, many professionals have to come to terms with the fact that they have to adapt with the new resources available for consumers. In The Rise of Crowdsourcing freelance photographer Mark Harmel speaks of the changes coming to the industry. Despite lowering his costs for stock photos …
Feb 26
Crowdsourcing and User Generated Content
Living in the internet infested society we are in today, it is a lot easier to obtain any information with a click of a button. Long before Google and the computer, people and companies had to rely on book research, paying someone a lot of money to investigate or obtain the content for them, some …
Feb 26
According to the dictionary the definition of crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining information or input into a task or project by enlisting the services of a large number of people, either paid or unpaid, typically via the Internet. This era revolves around the internet everything can now be done online with the touch of …