Mariano Montague

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FINAL: Social Networking and Future (VR and AR)

Mariano Montague MCS 224 Professor Brucker Cohen 5/19/19 Social Networking and The Future (VR & AR) In 2019 communication and their technologies have been a major  impact in today’s society. Communication technologies have dated back to the 1800s so it is no surprise that many years later we have advanced to half the entire population …

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How are mashups posing a potential threat to copyright laws online?   Mashups are posting a potential threat to the copyright laws especially in this generation because it is so easy to do now. In today’s world music is easily made through apps and software and mashing up songs together has been more easier than …

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How is piracy hurting the case for copyright online?

How is piracy hurting the case for copyright online?   Piracy is changing the way people can watch or acquire things without needing to pay. This is mainly used when it comes to watching movies. Many movie companies are losing money because of how easy it is to view them for free online. I feel …

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why social software might be a blessing in disguise.

why social software might be a blessing in disguise.   Social media now a days is used to see what your friends and family might be up to, by seeing the type of photos, videos, and statuses they upload on it. Social media has its pros and its main cons that probably may have impacted …

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Why is the medium so important to how we consume digital media?

Why is the medium so important to how we consume digital media?   In my opinion, the medium is extremely important to how we consume digital media. The way that bloggers and journalists  write their post, it gives the reader certain takeaways to create deeper conversation, and that’s a way that more controversy of the …

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Apps, Blockchain, and Digital Currency

In the future, i feel like digital currency will become the norm. In today’s world maybe people use cash less and less and they stick to debit cards and credit cards. Bitcoin has been getting more popular throughout the years but i feel like many people in this generation found out how impact it was …

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Media in a Changing Global Culture

In my opinion, globalization in media is something that constantly adapts and shapes us into having full knowledge worldwide. Because of this going on, the media being made can be universal as places all around the world can share a bunch of knowledge. Many people may ask,  “will globalization just turn us into just one …

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Internet of Things / Locative and Physical Media

Mariano Montague   QUESTION: Write your responses to the readings and if you think that connecting physical objects to the Internet is beneficial or detrimental?   In my opinion, i think connecting physical objects objects to the internet has been extremely beneficial. In my household i have many things that are connected to the internet. …

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Reality and Digital Television

How has reality television changed the ways in which we understand human communication? Throughout time, the television had been very influential when it comes to portraying a picture of what goes on. In today’s standards, people are watching less TV and leaning towards online streaming instead. When television was first becoming popular, people didn’t have …

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How is crowdsourcing changing the way that companies approach creating content?   When you look at today’s generation, you can see how easy it is talk to everyone all over the world compared to 20 years ago. With the use of social media the world feels so much smaller. With that being said, people can …

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