John Hecht

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  1. Final Paper: LinkedIn — 1 comments

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Final Paper: LinkedIn

John Hecht   5/7/2019   Final Project: LinkedIn   Professor Jonah Brucker Cohen     Over the course of time we as job seekers have relied on personal connections and local job postings in order to help us find employment. This made it hard for many people to expand their horizons and find jobs that are …

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Class Activity

Hello guy’s I am presenting today in class. Here are some of the activities that we will be going through…   Activity Part One : -We will get into two groups -Group 1 will be for the Pros of mashups and group two will be for the Cons of mashups.   -Each group is to …

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How is piracy hurting the case for copyright online?

Piracy is a term used to elucidate on the illegal copying of licensed and copyrighted materials from the Internet.  In many ways it hurts the case for copyright online because a lot of the times it is very difficult to stop these piracy services even when they are stealing your content.  One of the main …

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Social Software

Social software to some can be seen as a waste of tIme.  It can be viewed as a distracter and also something that can divert you from a more important goal that you have at hand.  Everyone has an opinion of their own but social software can also be viewed as a blessing in disguise.  …

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The Medium

The medium is important to how we ingest digital media.  The Medium can be looked at as the electric light or illumination as stated in ” The medium is the message”.    Mediums are used to reach people, they are used to draw people in and help them form connections in whatever piece of digital …

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Changing Media

Media today has become a part of our everyday lives more than any point in time.  Media is known by its definition as the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet) regarded collectively.  As stated in the article “Eight traits of the new media landscape” “The technologization of the American home has …

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Objects connected to the internet

There are many objects or devices today that are connected to the internet.  These items range from many products.  One product relating to your housing environment would be the nest thermostat. The Nest Learning Thermostat is a smart thermostat developed by Nest Labs and designed by Tony Fadell, Ben Filson, and Fred Bould. It is …

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Reality TV

Reality TV are television programs in which real people are continuously filmed, designed to be entertaining rather than informative.  For a generation like ours reality TV is almost the norm.  We do not ever usually question the types of reality TV that are displayed because we are now so used to shows displayed in this …

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Has media (social and informative) effected political campaigns

The world has changed over the last fifteen years.  The ways in which we communicate with one another changed as well with what is called a smart phone.  These smart phones make hard copies of news obsolete for some people.  There are apps for everything whether that be an informative news app such as fox …

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