Class Activity: Media and Political Campaigns

By Brittany Aufiero and Jacqueline Minelli

Hi everyone! Jackie and I are looking forward to presenting today on Media and Political Campaigns. As a heads up, here are the activities that we will be spending time on today in class:

Part One: Discussion
In groups, consider the different outlets where you receive your political news:
– Social Media
– Print News (newspapers, magazines)
– Digital News (websites, online articles,
– TV Campaign Ads
– Podcasts
Rank your choices in order of the frequency with which you rely on them. How trustworthy do you feel these sources are? Discuss with your group and be prepared to share with the class.

Part Two: Elections!
We are both candidates running for president. The class will be split into two groups – Democrat and Republican.

Think of ways to gain more supporters for our campaigns using social media, mobile media, etc.

Then, present us with your strategies for getting us elected. Why do you think your strategy is key to us getting the votes we need?

Through these activities, we hope to help you think critically about the role media plays in politics and the election of government officials.  This should take no longer than 30 minutes.

See you in class!

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