Nairim Michel
Mariano Montague
- What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish.
Our activity consisted of identifying the differences between blog posts and news. We created a 3 part activity based off true or false and creating two posts to help the students distinguish the difference in language used in both types of writing.
- Did you think it was successful?
Yes, the students were engaged and created funny posts to portray blog posts and factual news statements. They were also engaged and debated amongst each other of what makes one different from the other.
- Did it achieve your implied goals?
Yes, we had class engagement and they were creative with their own posts. - What did you learn from the experience?
We learned that students still prefer old fashioned news over current blogging. We thought social media was taking over and blogs would be the class preference.
- How would you take this project further as a research tool and what results would you hope to achieve?
We could survey college students on their preference to see what is more useful to target the younger generations. It would somehow become marketing research we could offer news channels.