Melanie Beltran MCS 244 March 23, 2019 The medium is important to how we consume digital media by connection through a media source like a newspaper, television, radio and other forms delivering messages to people. In the article, “The Medium is the Message, by Marshall McLuhan” it states, “‘…the medium is the message’ because …
March 2019 archive
Mar 28
In Class Activity Evaluation(March 28)by Sadia Sylla and Jaritza Flores
1. What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish. Our first activity was the game of Jeoprady. Our 2nd activity was the making of an app that is related to Bitcoin and uses blockchain. Me and Jaritza hoped to have the …
Mar 27
Online Communities & Groups
Social software can be considered a blessing in disguise because as mentioned in the article “Abundance in Scarcity”, the internet is nearly boundless, having millions of pages devoted to numerous topics, where anyone can join in to discuss. Websites like Bumplist show how we take software and sites for granted, as the internet has no …
Mar 27
Media Theory
Medium is important to how we consume digital media because as the article states “The medium is the message because it is the medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action”. Author Marshall McCluhan uses the example of the electric light. “Whether the light is being used for brain …
Mar 27
MCS 224: Sadia and Jaritza
We made a powerpoint explaning Apps,Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Digital Currency. After telling the class what these are, we made a jeoprady game to make the activity a little bit fun. The winning group would get a pack of candy. After this, their is a second activity design your own digital currency. What would you want …
Mar 26
Apps, Blockchain, and Digital Currency
The introduction of apps has dramatically changed the way in which the public interacts with companies selling products and services. When it comes to chat apps such as WhatsApp, Kik, and Line, the users themselves, as well as their data, are often the price of such forms of digital communication. In Ewan Spence’s article “The …
Mar 26
Apps, Blockchain, and Digital Currency
According to Forbes article The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live The App Ewan Spence claims “While users are spending more time on their devices (an average of 2 hours and 42 minutes per day, up four minutes on the same period last year), how they use that time has changed as well. Only 22 minutes …
Mar 26
Apps, Blockchain, and Digital Currency
As people continue to gravitate towards more efficient uses of technology, the older forms of software are slowly falling behind. According to Ewan Spence in his article titled The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live The App, he discusses how apps are becoming a central focal point for people to use on a daily basis. They …
Mar 26
Presentation: Mobility and Locative: Apps, Blockchain, and Digital Currency Industries
Hello Students and Professor Cohen, On Thursday, Sadia and I will present the topic of Apps, Blockchain, and Digital Currency Industries that will help learn about our society through the digital world. Below is the agenda for our presentation this Thursday. Learning about Apps, the history of Blockchain, and how does digital currency play a …
Mar 26
Apps, Blockchain, and Digital Currency By Jaritza Flores-Garcia
We know all about apps and how we use them in our spare time and we all know about the term of digital currency that help us save more money but how these apps helped us connected to each other and why does digital currency help shape up the real world? Let’s find out about …