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- Digital and Reality Television — 1 comments
- Piracy and Privacy — 1 comments
May 19
Brittany Aufiero May 17th, 2019 MCS 244 Prof. Brucker-Cohen The Importance and Future of Digital Currency Around the world, cryptocurrency is used as a government-untraceable method of electronic money transfer. Digital currency has transformed commerce and the way people exchange money for goods and services. While impossible to know just how many people use this …
Apr 19
The term “mashup” refers to a combining of functionalities or ideas to create something which contributes information greater than the sum of its parts. Internet mashups often take the form of apps. One such app would be the popular dating/hookup app Tinder, which uses information from one’s social media account to match the individual with …
Apr 14
In his Forbes article “You Will Never Kill Piracy, and Piracy Will Never Kill You”, Paul Tassi argues that piracy is an inescapable reality so long as media companies refuse to acknowledge that they must reevaluate their own business practices. Tassi writes, “As long as technology continues to evolve, the battle between pirates and copyright …
Apr 14
The rise of social software as an outlet for social expression has been well documented. In Clay Shirky’s speech “Gin, Television, and Social Surplus”, he describes how watching television in the past was usually followed by discussion with others about the most recent plot developments, and how the social aspect of media consumption has become …
Apr 02
In chapter one of Marshall Mcluhan’s book Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, Mcluhan delves into the deeper questions of how culture is shaped by the mediums for messages within society. Citing electricity, he examines how it has revolutionized technology in allowing for instantaneous reception of information. Rather than thinking of electricity solely in terms …
Mar 26
The introduction of apps has dramatically changed the way in which the public interacts with companies selling products and services. When it comes to chat apps such as WhatsApp, Kik, and Line, the users themselves, as well as their data, are often the price of such forms of digital communication. In Ewan Spence’s article “The …
Mar 19
Globalization of digital media has radically changed the ways in which people across various cultures interact with the media messages present in the world around them. While in the past, media literacy was not expected or necessary in order for an individual to navigate the day-to-day operations of their lives, the technological advances of today’s …
Mar 18
While there are clear concerns inherent to the expansion of the internet of things, the revolutionary potential for quality of life improvement cannot be understated. Objects with internet connectivity integrate new technology into the daily routines of our lives, as described in Neil Gershenfeld and JP Vasseur’s article “As Objects Go Online: The Promise (and …
Feb 26
In this advanced technological age, traditional television is becoming less and less relevant to the modern viewer’s experience. While in the past, audiences were required to arrange their lives around television networks and pre-scheduled broadcastings, the typical viewer experience is becoming transformed by the presence of streaming services and click-and-buy On Demand access to content. …
Feb 21
By Brittany Aufiero and Jacqueline Minelli Hi everyone! Jackie and I are looking forward to presenting today on Media and Political Campaigns. As a heads up, here are the activities that we will be spending time on today in class: Part One: Discussion In groups, consider the different outlets where you receive your political news: …