Final Projects / Papers and Blog Post Guidelines

All students must do the following to pass the course:

SignUp Sheet for Finals:  Sign Up Here!


Blog Posts (40%), Final Paper (60%)

1.Write a weekly blog post due for each week’s readings that analyze the readings for the week as seen on the syllabus. (Each weekly Blog post must be 350 words or longer.) – late posts are not accepted.

2 . Final Paper: Communication and communication technologies surround us daily and often both benefit our daily lives as well as detract from our everyday existence. Without them we feel lost, and with them we feel overwhelmed.  For your final paper, you should detail an existing technology or communication device. What are its benefits and drawbacks? What will bring us to the next utopia of connectivity or what might detract from our livelihoods and ultimately be harmful to us? All students must complete a final 1500 paper for the course also due as a post on the class blog. The theme of the final project is your unique prediction for the future of media and digital culture. Basically it’s a 1500 word research paper where the theme of the final project is your prediction for the future of media and digital culture.

Final Papers are due on Blackboard and the classs blog on  May 21, 2019

What is your chosen communication medium?

What are the ramifications of social technology and how will we overcome them?

What new innovations will be possible with technology and how will we access them?

Final Project Essay Guidelines:

1500 word post to the class blog that answers the following questions.

Profile a Communication Technology: example: Smartphone, Computer, Internet, GPS, etc…

Questions and Guidelines:

1. How has your chosen technology or device changed the world?

2. Provide history of this technology and why it is important? What evidence can you find to support your argument?

3. At least 3-4 written references to back up your argument.

4. Please provide at least 3 examples of projects, websites, or intellectual movements that enrich your argument. If videos, you can embed them in your post.

Final Slides Guidelines

Everyone should have 10 slides max. You will each have 10-15 minutes with 5 minutes for Q and A with our guest critics. It will be a similar format as our midterm presentations:

Remember you should use PowerPoint or Keynote or Google Slides.

Please limit your talk to 10 slides which should contain the following….

Slide 1. Title Slide: Title of project, your name, one image that represents your project

Slide 2. Problem Statement: What were you were trying to achieve / discover with your project? Why does the world need your project? What impact do you think it will make?

Slide 3. Precedents Identify at least 3 precedents (websites / videos / images)  for your project and explain why they were successful or why they failed. What makes your project different / similar to them?

Slide 4. Precedent 1

Slide 5. Precedent 2

Slide 6.  Details on your Concept

Slide 7. More Details on your Concept

Slide 8. Conclusions – Why should we believe you that this is the future?

Slide 9. Ideas for future ideas that may go beyond

Slide 10. Last slide with your name / project title / website
Everyone should have 10 slides max. You will each have 10-15 minutes with 5 minutes for Q and A with our guest critics. It will be a similar format as our midterm presentations:

Remember you should use PowerPoint or Keynote or Google Slides.

Please limit your talk to 10 slides which should contain the following….

Slide 1. Title Slide: Title of project, your name, one image that represents your project

Slide 2. Problem Statement: What were you were trying to achieve / discover with your project? Why does the world need your project? What impact do you think it will make?

Slide 3. Precedents Identify at least 3 precedents (websites / videos / images)  for your project and explain why they were successful or why they failed. What makes your project different / similar to them?

Slide 4. Precedent 1

Slide 5. Precedent 2

Slide 6.  Details on your Concept

Slide 7. More Details on your Concept

Slide 8. Conclusions – Why should we believe you that this is the future?

Slide 9. Ideas for future ideas that may go beyond

Slide 10. Last slide with your name / project title / website