Online Communities & Groups

Social software can be considered a blessing in disguise because as mentioned in the article “Abundance in Scarcity”, the internet is nearly boundless, having millions of pages devoted to numerous topics, where anyone can join in to discuss. Websites like Bumplist show how we take software and sites for granted, as the internet has no limit to spread knowledge. Bumplist on the other hand, has a 6 person mailing subscriber limit, “bumping” individuals off the mailing list after the 6 person limit is reached. Similarly in the article “
Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?”, explains that people join the sites for the same reasons, to interact with their friends and use the different messaging tools to interact, share and communicate with one another. Social media is a form of public space which, “Allow’s people to make sense of the social norms that regulate society, they let people learn to express themselves and learn from the reactions of others, and they let people make certain acts or expressions ‘real’ by having witnesses acknowledge them (Arendt 1998)”. All in all, social software allows for the communication of others throughout the world, through multiple platforms. It spreads ideas and knowledge, all which can be found online, and easily accessible on smart devices.

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