Jontae Zapata

Author's posts

Piracy and Privacy

Piracy is a very difficult thing to combat, it appears to make online copyright obsolete. Paul Tasso stated “It can’t, is the short answer, and one these companies do not want to hear as they put their fingers in their ears and start yelling. As technology continues to evolve, the battle between pirates and copyright …

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Why is Social Software a Blessing in Disguise?

Social software is probably one of the most amazing aspects of technology today. People can communicate from almost anywhere in the entire world. However, it doesn’t truly seem to be a blessing – in fact, I feel that it isn’t much of a blessing at all. According to Michelle Kasprzak we as individuals need rules …

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Media Theory

As we continue to learn about and develop new mediums for communication and media, we attempt to find more effective ways of transporting information from various sources to an individual or group of people. The more difficult accessing the information is, the less likely large sums of people are to use the methods at hand. …

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Apps, Blockchain, and Digital Currency

As people continue to gravitate towards more efficient uses of technology, the older forms of software are slowly falling behind. According to Ewan Spence in his article titled The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live The App, he discusses how apps are becoming a central focal point for people to use on a daily basis. They …

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Media in a Changing Global Culture – Jontae Zapata

Media has become more inclusive (and arguably more intrusive) than ever before. People everywhere are fed hundreds of thousands of messages and information on a daily basis due to our ever expanding world wide web. We can’t seem to get away from the information stream. In Media Literacy: A National Priority for a Changing World the communication …

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The Internet of Things – Jontae Zapata

The world is becoming inherently electronic. Everything we once had to manually operate is becoming more easily accessible, such as television now having remote controls and voice operating systems for people who don’t want to leave their couches. This may not always be a good thing. In the article by the New York Times Thermostats, Locks …

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Crowd Sourcing – Jontae Zapata

As technology further develops and reaches as many people as possible, many professionals have to come to terms with the fact that they have to adapt with the new resources available for consumers. In The Rise of Crowdsourcing freelance photographer Mark Harmel speaks of the changes coming to the industry. Despite lowering his costs for stock photos …

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Blogging vs. Traditional News

Blogging has become quite the sensation of the internet. It is something that was originally considered a sort of forum where anybody with an opinion could share that opinion with a willing audience. However, this no longer appears to be the case. In today’s world, large corporations have even taken over the blogging world. There …

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Internet or Irresponsible? – Jontae Zapata

“Who Will Take Responsibility for Facebook?” by Virginia Hefferman, “Taking the You out of Youtube” by Henry Jenkins, and “The Truth About Facebook’s Fake Quest to Connect the World” by Noam Cohen all present a similar trending topic: who is to be held accountable for the people on the internet? Hefferman stated “Nothing about Facebook …

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