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- Social media = Toxic — 1 comments
- Crowdsourcing & User Generated Content — 1 comments
- Final Paper: Social Media — 1 comments
May 07
The rise of social media has proven to have changed the ways of communication within society. There have been many technologies that have led up to the creation of online communication, one of those being the first communication device; the telegraph. In 1972, the invention of this device allowed for faster methods of communication throughout …
Apr 29
In Henry Jenkins article “Taking the You Out of YouTube?”, it is discussed how Web 2.0 places an “emphasis upon participation, social networking, collective intelligence”. It is a fan culture, which creates sites like Youtube, Wikipedia, MySpace, etc. Jenkins explains “ At the heart of the Web 2.0 movement is this idea that there is …
Apr 15
In Paul Tassi’s article “You Will Never Kill Piracy, and Piracy Will Never Kill You”, the author believes the war on piracy cannot be won. Tassi explains that “As technology continues to evolve, the battle between pirates and copyright holders is going to escalate, and pirates are always, always going to be one step ahead”. …
Mar 27
Social software can be considered a blessing in disguise because as mentioned in the article “Abundance in Scarcity”, the internet is nearly boundless, having millions of pages devoted to numerous topics, where anyone can join in to discuss. Websites like Bumplist show how we take software and sites for granted, as the internet has no …
Mar 27
Medium is important to how we consume digital media because as the article states “The medium is the message because it is the medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action”. Author Marshall McCluhan uses the example of the electric light. “Whether the light is being used for brain …
Mar 22
Apps have become apart of our daily lives, without even knowing it. The article “The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live The App”, explains that 86% of our time is spent on IOS & Android Apps, while only 14% is spent on the browser. The article goes on to explain that some web-based services are …
Mar 18
Media has quickly evolved from simply being able to read words on paper, to critically interpreting the images we see. As the article “Media Literacy: A National Priority for a Changing World” states, from television, movies, talk shows, cell phones, websites and more, media is no longer shaping our culture, they ARE our culture. The …
Mar 11
In this age, we are starting to see robots and devices starting to take the jobs that humans do. Blogging, for example, is now becoming something that objects can even do. As explained in the reading “Why Things Matter” bloggers are “Participants in a network of exchange, disseminating thoughts, opinions, ideas — making culture — through …
Mar 04
Reality television has changed the was in which we communicate and interact. Commercials are a prime example of how businesses interact and connect with consumers. Although we see social media play a huge role in marketing, in a Forbes article, “The Future of T.V.: Digital, Traditional And Something In Between”, by Lori Kozlowski, it’s predicted …
Feb 27
Hey guys so tomorrow, Briana and I will be presenting about crowdsourcing & user-generated content. We plan the presentation to be about 10 minutes, and we have 2 group activities which will take around 20 minutes. See you then!