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- Class Activity — 1 comments
Apr 16
Piracy lived with a new meaning since the dawn of the internet. It no longer meant dirty men in ships wearing peg legs and eye patches sailing around the sea for treasure. It meant people in the internet illegally obtaining media. It was anything people could get their hands on for free; pictures, music and …
Apr 11
The entire presentation will take about 30 minutes. Maybe longer, depending on student interaction. The students will be broken into three groups; one group labeled “For,” another labeled “Against” and the last labeled “Judges”. The students will debate about whether they will or will not ban online communities in the United States based on the …
Apr 02
The mediums that we use affect our daily lives in many different ways. In the writing by Marshall McLuhan called The Medium is the Message he says “We are as numb in our new electric world as the native involved in our literate and mechanical culture” In other words, we are so caught up in …
Mar 26
According to Forbes article The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live The App Ewan Spence claims “While users are spending more time on their devices (an average of 2 hours and 42 minutes per day, up four minutes on the same period last year), how they use that time has changed as well. Only 22 minutes …
Mar 19
Global culture is changing drastically, and with the help of media, the pace will forever increase. In today’s day in age, you can find a McDonald’s and Starbucks around the corner regardless to where you live. In the BBC article Does globalization mean we will become one culture? Mark Pagel mentions ” Select any global brand …
Mar 12
Objects being connected to the internet definitely has and abundance of upsides. And as technology progresses they can be beneficial to everyone, but it can be exploited if put into the wrong hands. Today we have what Julian Bleeker calls the internet in their article A Manifesto for Networked Objects — Cohabiting with Pigeons, Arphids …
Feb 26
Living in the internet infested society we are in today, it is a lot easier to obtain any information with a click of a button. Long before Google and the computer, people and companies had to rely on book research, paying someone a lot of money to investigate or obtain the content for them, some …
Feb 07
Blogs can definitely take over traditional news sources, if they already haven’t done it yet. At first people thought blogging was just a way for people to share their views on things like pop culture and current events. You weren’t considered reliable or nevertheless a journalist if you had a blog. In Tony Rogers Why …
Jan 31
Social media started as a way to bring people all over the globe together. Whether it was befriending people on Facebook, sharing your picture on Instagram and Flickr or watching a video from your favorite YouTube channel. Throughout time the social media changed from being something that was entertaining to have, to being controlled by …