Media Theory

Melanie Beltran

MCS 244

March 23, 2019


The medium is important to how we consume digital media by connection through a media source like a newspaper, television, radio and other forms delivering messages to people. In the article, “The Medium is the Message, by Marshall McLuhan” it states, “‘…the medium is the message’ because it is the medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action.”  Mediums have enough impact to pull people through the media based off of the displayed messages. Because media forms in many different platforms, mediums travel through various outlets and reaches many people. The content of these mediums has to be easy to understand and informational for people. When information or “electric light” is formed, mediums help spread that information through newspapers, radios, television, etc. This is very useful when delivering messages and communicating on a deeper level with people. William Shakespeare’s work is used as an example of displaying mediums and how they are depicted. Through Shakespeare’s plays, he used social and political awareness in his writing, created content for a public. Depending on how one interprets the message, it can have a controlling impact on an individual. Medium is the message delivered from media platforms, not limited to television but through literature, poetry, art that essentially helps one receive messages and draw connections to. Media has only continued to evolutionize, reaching to people from farther distances. In our modern time, not only can we receive messages through literature from the books we read but on social media platforms in the apps we have on our devices. Social and political awareness is spread through diverse and various media platforms and shared all around the world. The messages from displayed content reach many people from different areas. Humans have become so dependent on media that it is difficult for one to think for themselves. People who feel they can’t live without their devices have become enslaved to media. “Because living constantly in the atmosphere of slaves, he became infected through the unconscious with their psychology.” Essentially, questioning content on a screen isn’t a concern or something worth being aware to do because it’s a habit that’s been created and hard to break. People have become very lazy to what’s been put out in the universe, checking sources is that last thing to do when verifying if the information is valid or not.

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