As people continue to gravitate towards more efficient uses of technology, the older forms of software are slowly falling behind. According to Ewan Spence in his article titled The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live The App, he discusses how apps are becoming a central focal point for people to use on a daily basis. They spend much more time on apps than on online browsers. He states “Only 22 minutes per day are spent in the browser, with the balance of time focused on applications.” And these 22 minutes are out of the average 2 hours and 42 minutes a day that people spend on their smart devices. The simplicity of applications attract people of all demographics and continue to grow. They’ve made presenting information as simple as possible so that even children can navigate applications with ease and those of the older generations and still engage in the technology they didn’t grow up knowing.
Something that was becoming similarly as popular as apps but a little more complicated in its history is digital currency, more specifically, Bitcoin. The Fierce Battle for the Soul of Bitcoin provides an overall synopsis for how Bitcoin came about, how it works, and expressed the overall popularity Bitcoin was able to grasp. In the article, it states “Last year more than $100 million in bitcoin transactions was processed and the value of bitcoins shot up from $13 to $1,200, despite the fact that regulators in China were cracking down.” The jump in popularity of Bitcoin was astonishing. This growth in crypto-currencies is forcing companies to question the possibility of endorsing Blockchain and Bitcoin. According to the article Blockchain Will Disrupt Every Industry “Blockchain is a disruptive technology because of it’s ability to digitize, decentralize, secure and incentivize the validation of transactions. A wide swath of industries are evaluating blockchain to determine what strategic differentiators could exist for their businesses if they leverage blockchain.” Crypto-currencies, despite their rather strange nature in comparison to common currency supported by banks, are more than likely going to be something more viable than anticipated. Particularly for people who may not wish to work with governments, they would feel more comfortable navigating crypto-currencies. These types of currency may even begin to take over our currency as they can be used universally throughout various nations. It could lead to a sort of globalized currency that could take away from the need for conversion.