Author's posts
May 21
final essay
Ninoska Zarzuela Prof. Jonah Bruckner Final Project In 2005, a time when the internet was still in its infancy stage was introduced to a creation that would help in molding the way we share videos and express ourselves. YouTube founded by 3 employees of PayPal, was a technology within the computer that would help shape …
Apr 30
How are mashups posing a potential threat to copyright laws online? A mashup, is a technique that allows for a website, or web applicator to use data from different sources to create a new content. Mashups, are definitely posing a threat to copyright laws online because, everything is accessible for you to use and …
Apr 16
How is piracy hurting the case for copyright online?
Piracy is defined as the unauthorized used of someone’s work and claiming it as if its yours. Piracy and theft can be very similar however, what separates the two is the idea that theft you are taking someone else’s work and changing the content of it as if it was your own and piracy you …
Apr 09
Why is social software a blessing in disguise?
Throughout history, we’ve seen that technological advances have been improving the way we interact with one another. The article “Abundance in Scarcity” by Michelle Kasprzak states that “systems are constantly in use, enabling us to express ourselves for purposes both mundane and sublime”. Therefore, Social software allows, for the share of ideas, creativity, knowledge and …
Apr 02
In the article, “The medium is the message” the author Marshall McLuhan tells us that the medium “In a culture like ours, long accustomed to splitting and dividing all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that, in operational and practical fact, the medium is …
Mar 26
Apps have impacted the digital delivery marketplace in a significant way. Digital delivery, is the way for organizations ranging from different sectors of our daily lives to deliver content to consumers specifically through apps. As mentioned in the article “ The Mobile Browser is Dead, Long Live The App” by Ewan Spence people are no …
Mar 05
Reality tv
∫How has reality television changed the ways in which we understand human communication? After reading the article assigned for this class, we are able to conclude that consumers are moving away from traditional tv and on to streaming apps. Reality tv shows are said to mirror our real daily lives however, we know the content …
Feb 26
Crowdsourcing, is changing the way companies approach creating content. One of way is doing this is by allowing entrepreneurs access to their potential market needs. In the article, “Crowdsourcing to Get Ideas, and Perhaps Save Money”, the author Constance Gutske states that before Lee Mayer decided to start up her company to test the level …