Paola Saint Hilaire

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Paola Saint Hilaire Professor Brucker Cohen MCS 244 20 May, 2019   The History of Emojis   Have you ever heard the saying, “an emoji is worth a thousand words”, no? Well you should start getting used to it because that is becoming a reality in this generation with the boom of emojis that are …

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Mashups are something that has been seen for a long time when it comes to music according to Sasha Frere-Jones “1+1+1+1 The New Math of Mashups” it mentions that “Mashups find new uses for current digital technology, a new iteration of the cause-and-effect relationship behind almost every change in pop-music aesthetics: the gear changes, and …

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Piracy is a copyright infringement which is the use of others ones work without their permission. According to Paul Tassi in “You Will Never Kill Piracy, and Piracy Will Never Kill You” he mentions “Piracy is already illegal in the US, and most places around the world, yet it persists underground, but more often in …

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Social Software

I believe social software is a blessing in disguise because it gives us the chance to communicate to others in a way that was never expected in the past. In the Michelle Kasprzak article, Abundance in Scarcity it states, “systems are constantly in use, enabling us to express ourselves for purposes both mundane and sublime. …

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The reason why the medium is so important to how we consume digital media is because it is a physical material that we use such as CD, DVD, disk and hard disk that can be used to archive and store things such as video and audio files. The medium is used to communicate to people, …

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Apps changing the digital marketplace

In “The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live The App”, Forbes it shows how in today’s society many people are stepping away from the mobile browser and heading towards apps. “Looking at breakdown of that time, users are living in their smartphone’s applications. That gaming requires apps is a given, but almost every other area …

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Media and globalization

The media industry has made its spread throughout all parts of the world. With this, the connection to different people around the world has never been easier. This form of human interaction through media communication has caused a great amount of advancement in the media world. As stated by Elizabeth Thoman and Tessa Jolls, “Media …

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Is the internet beneficial or detrimental?

With the growth of today’s technology, we see how it is rapidly becoming part of our everyday lifestyle. The technological growth is spreading into many physical things such as watches, tables, speakers and more. But one thing we were never expecting to see turn into something technology related are our physical objects such as our …

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Class Activity

What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish. For our first activity we believed a game of Kahoot would be a fun way to test the knowledge of the students. The goal we wanted to accomplish was that the students showed …

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Class Activity

For the class activity we will be playing a game of Kahoot (10-15 mins) and for the second activity students will get into groups of 3 or 4 and create their own reality tv show (10 mins)