The rise of social software as an outlet for social expression has been well documented. In Clay Shirky’s speech “Gin, Television, and Social Surplus”, he describes how watching television in the past was usually followed by discussion with others about the most recent plot developments, and how the social aspect of media consumption has become …
Tag: television
Mar 04
Assignment 5: How has reality television changed the ways in which we understand human communication?
Streaming services have made traditional television networks panic. Many more Americans, including myself, have cancelled or are thinking about cancelling their cable subscription. Televisions and cable were the norm many years ago. Everyone would go home and sit in front of their television and surf through their channels to see if they saw something they …
Feb 26
Digital and Reality Television
In this advanced technological age, traditional television is becoming less and less relevant to the modern viewer’s experience. While in the past, audiences were required to arrange their lives around television networks and pre-scheduled broadcastings, the typical viewer experience is becoming transformed by the presence of streaming services and click-and-buy On Demand access to content. …