In my opinion, globalization in media is something that constantly adapts and shapes us into having full knowledge worldwide. Because of this going on, the media being made can be universal as places all around the world can share a bunch of knowledge. Many people may ask, “will globalization just turn us into just one culture” and i don’t think that is the case. Even though we are innovative, the new technology brings different uses. We slowly get taken to see its own in a surprise to increase harmony. “So, to my mind, there is little doubt that the next century is going to be a time of great uncertainty and upheaval as resources, money and space become ever more scarce. It is going to be a bumpy road with many setbacks and conflicts. But if there was ever a species that could tackle these challenges it is our own. It might be surprising, but our genes, in the form of our capacity for culture, have created in us a machine capable of greater cooperation, inventiveness and common good than any other on Earth. And of course it means you can always find a cappuccino just the way you like it no matter where we wake up.” (article 2).In today’s time, the media now is used for experimentation which broadens the diversity of aesthetic responses. As said in article 1, “At the same time, we can now take our media with us wherever we go. We are still coming to grips with the full implications of this latest shift in media access. Once again, this technology can be used to cut us off from our environment and isolate us from people around us — the iPod is advertised as allowing us to create a soundtrack for our lives. In heighten our awareness of the world around us. As Mizuko Ito has described, we can use these technologies to maintain ongoing contact with the people in our lives who matter to us the most. And as Howard Rheingold has suggested, we can use these technologies to mobilize quickly in response to urgent demands on our attention.”some cases, the availability of these media adds a sense of tentativeness to our real world interactions which can now be interrupted at any time by demands from elsewhere”. In conclusion, media literacy is something evolving everyday with new information being shared globally, and to take the right steps, it needs to be maintained prioritized.
Mar 19