Internet of Things / Locative and Physical Media

Mariano Montague


QUESTION: Write your responses to the readings and if you think that connecting physical objects to the Internet is beneficial or detrimental?


In my opinion, i think connecting physical objects objects to the internet has been extremely beneficial. In my household i have many things that are connected to the internet. For example my doorbell. Anytime someone comes near my house i get a notification and i am able to see who is there and communicate with them. Its a smart doorbell called ring. Something like this is very beneficial because you can feel very secure at your home without thinking and having the thought that people could break in your house. also in my house i am able to turn on and off the lights in my house with my phone and that’s something that is extra convenient. I feel like a a society we need these kinds of improvements because advancement is something that everyone should want to strive for. Of course there can be some misuse and dangers to this. “Smart home technology can be easily harnessed for misuse for several reasons. Tools like connected in-home security cameras are relatively inexpensive — some retail for $40 — and are straightforward to install. Usually, one person in a relationship takes charge of putting in the technology, knows how it works and has all the passwords. This gives that person the power to turn the technology against the other person.” For this new kind of technology to work you need to understand the factors and know what other people are capable of. This may not be something you want to invest in if you’re in a toxic relationship as it can cause the partner to be domestically abusing. Other than that, physical objects to the internet are the way to go. Recently as a gift, I’ve gotten a chip that you can put in your wallet so encase you lose it, you can track it on your phone. This would saved me a lot of time when i need to look for the wallet in the morning before going to school.

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