Reality and Digital Television

How has reality television changed the ways in which we understand human communication?

Throughout time, the television had been very influential when it comes to portraying a picture of what goes on. In today’s standards, people are watching less TV and leaning towards online streaming instead. When television was first becoming popular, people didn’t have resources to watch certain shows whenever they wanted to, you were only able to see what what was shown. It was a limited feeling knowing that what were was put out was by channel stations and something wouldn’t even be useful to watch. The major change is the viewers. Nowadays, the viewers are the ones that control what to see. We have opportunity to see exactly what, without any restrictions to certain time.Also a major key to online streaming is the content. What is shown plays a big role because for example, they is on the TV can be limited things with whatever they want to show but, a regular people on YouTube can upload uncut thoughts and freedom of speech and ideas to make content more genuine.  “They want to watch whatever show, whenever they want, on whatever device they want. So you’ll start to see T.V. everywhere – on any device. On-demand T.V. – there will be more and more of this. What’s going to happen to traditional line-ups? The concept of channels goes away, when people just choose their shows.”. Even the use of commercials are different. On YouTube, the ads are geared towards how to shop and things that are interesting to you, compared to whatever the channels wanna show randomness. If you pay a little bit more, you can even disable the advertisement.  “reason for all this chaos is that cord-cutting is accelerating faster than media executives expected. Last quarter, nearly a million Americans dropped their pay-TV subscriptions, according to an estimate from Craig Moffett, a media analyst with MoffettNathanson. (Netflix added roughly that many new subscribers in the United States in the same time.) Young people, a group particularly covered by advertisers, are moving away from TV especially quickly. The amount of time people under 35 spend watching traditional TV has been cut in half since 2010, according to Matthew Ball, the head of strategy at Amazon Studios.”. With that being said i think the best option is to have channels turn into streamed services  for online only and have user friendly options to show what individual person would like as a way of filtering. A big positive is not needing to pay for unnecessary channels, so this could be a future game changer.


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