why social software might be a blessing in disguise.
Social media now a days is used to see what your friends and family might be up to, by seeing the type of photos, videos, and statuses they upload on it. Social media has its pros and its main cons that probably may have impacted my social skills like talking to people you may not know face to face, but from the perspective of an everyday user, the pros outweigh the cons, making social softwares a major blessing in disguise.
Social software made it so that information can we spread from around the world. This includes people that are less educated than others from using apps like whatsapp, facebook, twitter, & instagram. Also, when you think of businesses, you can see how much it helped the marketing world. People are able to show what they can do and if your a boss to a company, you can see the skills of some people that you are interested in hiring. Jobs even use social software like linkin to connect and network with people in job related things
“ It’s also important to realize that the technology makes it easier to find those who are seeking attention than those who are not. The vast majority of teens using these sites are engaged in relatively mundane activities, but the ‘at risk’ ones are made visible through mainstream media. In this way, both the technology and the press coverage magnify the most troublesome aspects of everyday life because they are inherently more interesting. “
An example of this is the artist 6ix9ine. He was able to seek attention on social media by making comedy skits, saying reckless things, and giving back to the community and every time he would release a song it would get a lot of traction and millions of views because of the fact that everyone is tuned in to his social media behavior.
“Now, those four things are of course necessary but not sufficient conditions. I propose them more as a platform for building the interesting differences off. There are lots and lots and lots of other effects that make different bits of software interesting enough that you would want to keep more than one kind of pattern around. But those are commonalities I’m seeing across a range of social software for large and long-lived groups”
Kids nowadays don’t understand that the phone was once used for just making phone calls..