How is piracy hurting the case for copyright online?
Piracy is changing the way people can watch or acquire things without needing to pay. This is mainly used when it comes to watching movies. Many movie companies are losing money because of how easy it is to view them for free online. I feel like this is something that can be beneficial to the user as long as you’re not the one that is losing the money. For example, Netflix raised the price of there streaming services and other services require you to watch ads like commercials to get some sort of revenue. In my house we use a jail-broken version of the amazon fire stick to stream almost any show/ movie for free using the show box app. Although its seen as illegal , it doesn’t hurt the users because it is a way of saving money. Back in the days, a similar method was used to to get free music but this used to lead to viruses on the computer but now in 2019 things been easier than ever and it’s almost completely safe especially if you have a mac because they don’t really get viruses. You can easily convert music videos on YouTube into mp3 and add it to your itunes for free instead of buying songs that start off begin $2 or more. “The primary problem movie studios have to realize is that everything they charge for is massively overpriced. The fact that movie ticket prices keep going up is astonishing. How can they possibly think charging $10-15 per ticket for a new feature is going to increase the amount of people coming to theaters rather than renting the movie later or downloading it online for free? Rather than lower prices, they double down, saying that gimmicks like 3D and IMAX are worth adding another $5 to your ticket.They have failed to realize that people want things to be easy. Physically going to the movies is hard enough without paying way too much for the privilege”. I feel like there is always going to be a way when its comes to finding things for free over the internet because almost anything can be duplicated as long as you know how the programming works and how to install it. Most youtubers or public figures don’t even buy their editing software subscriptions yearly, they just get a hacked/ cracked version and downloads it once and it stays without ever paying. I don’t even think it’s easy to get caught because of the fact that it constantly gets updated to be improved. I wonder how companies will try to find new ways to delete all of the piracy that occurs.