Tag: final

FINAL: Social Networking and Future (VR and AR)

Mariano Montague MCS 224 Professor Brucker Cohen 5/19/19 Social Networking and The Future (VR & AR) In 2019 communication and their technologies have been a major  impact in today’s society. Communication technologies have dated back to the 1800s so it is no surprise that many years later we have advanced to half the entire population …

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The Importance and Future of Cryptocurrency

Brittany Aufiero May 17th, 2019 MCS 244 Prof. Brucker-Cohen The Importance and Future of Digital Currency Around the world, cryptocurrency is used as a government-untraceable method of electronic money transfer. Digital currency has transformed commerce and the way people exchange money for goods and services. While impossible to know just how many people use this …

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Final Paper: Virtual Reality’s Assist in Social Networking

Networking is the best social skill we should acquire starting at a young age. Social media takes away from the social experience. As technology gets integrated with work and school, networking in real life becomes in some ways easier as well as difficult. People are less willing to interact in person, letting good networking opportunities …

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