Chayenne McPherson

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  1. The Pager — 1 comments

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The Pager

Chayenne McPherson May 11, 2019 MCS 244 – Communication in Society Prof. Brucker-Cohen Final Call Me, Beep Me If You Want to Reach Me: From the beginning of human history, the communication infrastructures set up between long distances had always been a challenge for both senders and receivers. Through the variety of systems set in …

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Crowdsourcing and User Generated Content

Crowdsourcing has become a pandemic in many industries, rendering the certifications and degrees of particular professionals moot. Crowdsourcing (in a nutshell) is soliciting a paid or unpaid services of a particular population by way of the internet. Many of the first instances of crowdsourcing can be seen in the Help Wanted or Classified’s sections of …

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Social Media and Politics

With the advent and introduction of social media in our day-to-day lives, it appeared inevitable that politics too, would be impacted by the medium. The political stage that many of our elected officials stand on now implement a form of outreach and community engagement through social media. Considering that every year, our country gains a …

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