I researched the Televison which was a great invention. It helped change the world and how the world is entertain. It help change the acting landscape, because their was more jobs for acting since their had to be telvision shows, and televison movies to be made. But people say it messed up movies. In the article, ” How TV Killed Hollywood’s Golden Age,” by Erin Blakemore, it says, ” If you consider films like Rebecca, Citizen Kane or All About Eve to be cinematic masterpieces, you’re not alone. All three were born during Hollywood’s Golden Age, a wildly creative era in which movies dominated mass entertainment and their glamorous stars entranced the public. But during the 1940s and 1950s, that success suddenly evaporated. Movie palaces shuttered, once mighty studios closed down and some of Hollywood’s greatest actors, directors and screenwriters stopped making films. It was the end of an era and television was to blame: the new technology effectively killed Hollywood’s Golden Age.These days, you’re much more likely to turn on your television than to head to a movie theater. Here’s how TV captivated American audiences—and upended just about everything about the movie business along the way… Then the war ended, and social changes turned a trickle of demand for television into a tidal wave. Americans had scrimped and saved since the Great Depression, and when men returned home from war, many families were ready to start spending. Often, their first purchase—with assistance from federal home loans—was a house in the suburbs. Between 1947 and 1953, the number of people living in suburbs grew 43 percent. Since these newly built areas weren’t close to downtown movie palaces and often lacked mass transportation options, people began to seek entertainment inside their homes.”
The first mechanical Television sets were made in the early 1800’s. These involved mechanically scanning images then transmitting those images onto a screen . The First Electronic Television Set was made in 1927 by a 21 year old inventor named Philo Taylor Farnsworth . By 1934, all TVs had been converted into the electronic system.Most people don’t sit and watch television anymore because of streaming services like Netflix and Hulu . Instead of people rushing home to watch TV shows, they can watch it on their laptops , tablets or phones . You can also watch Television on your Playstations, Xboxes, Firesticks and other other streaming services, making the uses of cable go down exponentially.
In 1968, Ivan Sutherland and his student Bob Sproull created the first VR / AR head mounted display that was connected to a computer and not a camera . Today Companies and Gaming Systems are making places where you can watch Virtual Reality shows and play Virtual Reality Games lowering the usage of television. In the article , “Virtual reality: Is this really how we will all watch TV in years to come?,” by the guardian, it says, “In 2017, these cultural touchstones are freshly in mind for the television industry, as it tries to understand whether real-life headsets can be used to deliver new forms of drama, documentary and storytelling.Multiple attempts in past decades to make VR a real-world success floundered. However, the release of a new generation of VR headsets in 2016 from Sony, Google, Samsung, HTC and Facebook-owned Oculus VR has brought the technology back to prominence. The promise: connect a headset to a games console (Sony’s PlayStation VR), a computer (Oculus Rift or HTC’s Vive) or your smartphone (Samsung’s Gear VR or Google’s Daydream View) and you can watch video, play games and explore virtual worlds, turning your head around for 360-degree vision, and interacting via a controller.” These are the new type of technology, that people are trying to make to have people get entertain in better and funner ways. With the use of VR changing the way we watch things, it has made making these technologies an important one in the modern world today.
In the article , ” Television’s impact on society and culture,” it says, ” There is no doubt that since television’s emergence, it has been a significant part of the American culture. When television was first introduced, its combination of sight and sound mesmerized a lot of people. Since then, the device has been a constant presence of millions of Americans. Because of its fast-moving, visually stimulating and very entertaining way of presenting programs, television commands a lot of people’s attention for many hours every day. While watching TV may seem a harmless pass time, too much of TV can be an unhealthy habit as well. Up until the age of the Internet, mobile gadgets and social media, no other thing could compete for a person’s attention with his family, friends, school and church than the “boob tube.”
In this article, there is multiple VR projects that is happening that there are trying to get done. Also Apple are making Apple glasses which are slated to come out in 2020. In the article,” Apple Glasses: What are they and when are they being released?” it says, ” Guo Minghao, an analyst at Tianfeng International Securities, issued a report stating that Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the key businesses for Apple’s future growth. He believes that Apple will become a leader in the field of augmented reality, mainly because it requires huge investment, software and hardware integration capabilities, and design innovative human-computer interaction capabilities. Guo Minghao also expects that Apple’s first-generation head-mounted AR device will be mass-produced in the fourth quarter of this year to the second quarter of next year, which will be an important milestone in the commercialization of augmented reality. Taking into account the technical limitations, Guo Minghao pointed out that the Apple AR device will be integrated with the iPhone, the iPhone is responsible for computing, networking, indoor positioning and outdoor positioning, and the head-mounted AR device plays the display role.”
Positives are that It’s a form of entertainment, making people not get bored. Because of television, networks started making television shows, making the number of actors go up, which created job opportunities . It can help young children acquire language at an early age. Negatives are that Television can make people lazy, because they can be entertain by not moving at all . Television shows a lot of violence, and people may try to copy the violence they seen on television. As I said earlier, people are moving away to watching shows on their phones, tablets and laptops . With more gaming systems being made, and more streaming services being added, the usage of television has gone down . According to Marketing Charts, 18-34 age group viewing Television has dropped by 17.2%.
Television has helped the world modernize to what we are now. This was before computers, laptops, mobile phones and gaming systems and etc. In the article, ” History of the Television,” it says, ” The world’s first television stations first started appearing in America in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The first mechanical TV station was called W3XK and was created by Charles Francis Jenkins (one of the inventors of the mechanical television). That TV station aired its first broadcast on July 2, 1928. One of the world’s first television stations, WRGB, has the honor of being the world’s only continuously operating station since 1926 to the modern day…1949: In January, the number of TV stations had grown to 98 in 58 market areas.
1949: The FCC adopted the Fairness Doctrine, which made broadcasters responsible for seeking out and presenting all sides of an issue when covering controversy. This act was a supplement to the Communications Act of 1934, which required broadcasters to give equal airtime to candidates running in elections… 1952: By the end of 1952, TVs could be found in 20 million households across America, a rise of 33% from the previous year. U.S. advertisers spent a total of $288 million on television advertising time, an increase of 38.8% from 1951… 1960: Four debates between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon were broadcast throughout the year across the country, forever changing the way presidents would campaign…
2010: 3D televisions start hitting the market, spurred by popular 3D blockbusters like Avatar.” All of these accomplishments happen because of Television and it changed the way we entertain ourselves now.
In the article, ” Smart TVs: Everything You Need to Know,” by BRIAN WESTOVER & JOHN QUAIN, it says, What is a smart TV? While regular TVs have been around for decades, these so-called “dumb TVs” only do one thing: Receive signal from an HDTV antenna, cable or another A/V source. That was great when those were you only TV viewing options, but today’s connected world expects something a little smarter.Smart TVs, much like smartphones and smart home devices, offer internet connectivity and support for a range of apps. This opens up a world of new entertainment options, from streaming video on Netflix and Hulu to playing games, checking social media, and controlling a whole house full of connected gadgets, including devices that work with Alexa and Google Home-compatible products.”
People are always coming up with new ways to get entertain and Television was the first one, and now VR is making a case to be the new Television in today’s wold. As the world keeps getting modernize, we will continue to come up with new ways to make Television better and if not come up with a new way to replace Television.
Interesting take on the TV. What do you think about the couch potato phenomenon? Do you think the TV adds to obesity levels increasing in the US? I think a whole paper could be written about TV side effects which would be equally as interesting. Good work this semester!