Berjean Encarnacion

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Final Essay

Ideas and strategies to communicate better have always been at the heart of conversations about innovation. From as early as humanity can remember, ways of communicating have always been important discussions. How could we easily talk to someone who is too far to visit every minute of the day? With more innovative ways of communicating …

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Mashups are when an artists “mashes” two or more songs into one whole song and posts it somewhere for people to hear. This has always been a complicated issue between copyright infringement and being able to allow the creator of the mashup to receive monetary value for their work. In “1+1+1=1” by Sasha Frere-Jones, she …

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Piracy is illegal almost everywhere around the world, and in the United States it is taken very seriously. However, that doesn’t mean it still won’t happen. Many people still commit piracy underground, where they can’t be tracked. However, a lot of the times we’re the ones doing it. Paul Tassie, author of “You Will Never …

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Social Software

Social software, is it a blessing or a curse? I stand in the middle. On one hand, the advancements we’ve made cannot be ignored and should instead be celebrated. Twenty, even ten years ago we wouldn’t have been able to imagine how far we’ve come. Networking with people all around the world and creating connections …

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Medium Media

In the article “The medium is the message” by  Marshall McLuhan is about how the message of the medium that is being transmitted to society is more important than the intention. Communication has changed drastically in society because of media, for example automation. Lots of people are losing jobs because of automated machines in factories. …

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Apps Changing the Marketplace

Everyone is always walking around with the noses buried in their phones, it used to be books but there’s an app for that. Internet is a relatively new invention, and browsing the web has become a thing of the past because now most people would rather download an app belonging to a specific website than …

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Media and Globalization

Media has allowed people all around the world to come together like we’ve never seen before. Starting with Sex and the City, the world saw something that we didn’t know would become the future. People in Asia were trying to act like the stars from Sex and the City because they thought that’s what Americans …

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The Internet of Things

Imagine robots ruling the earth. That seems like a movie topic, something a producer would want to showcase to the world to make profit from their audience. It’s a type of movie plot that actors such as Will Smith participated in, but this is slowly becoming a reality. More and more we’re seeing that objects …

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Imagine this: you’re a post grad college student that just got hired into an advertisement company. You need to come up with an idea for a project, specifically for a popular animal shelter. You need pictures of dogs and cats, but you’re not a photographer nor do you have the skills to take decent advertisement …

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Social Media and Campaigns, Friend or Foe?

We use our phones for everything nowadays. Whether it’s finding the latest fashion trend, getting the dish on our favorite (or maybe not-so-favorite) celebrities or even doing research for a school project, we use our phones for anything and everything. This handheld device carries so much information, it’s no reason why many Republicans and Democrats …

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