Brianna Nichols

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  1. Reality and Digital Television — 1 comments
  2. Final: The Increasing Unpopularity of Emails — 1 comments

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Final: The Increasing Unpopularity of Emails

Over the past few years, email as a whole has become widely unpopular as a result of new and improved technology that has made it easier for people to communicate in areas such as their job or personal lives. Before the creation of email domains, people communicated through the use of a fax machine and …

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In simple terms, mashups are generally when the vocal from one song is laid over the music from another. In the article “1+1+1=1 The New Math of Mashups,”  a well-known mashup album called “Collision Course” is a combination of Linkin Park’s vocals with work from Jay Z’s “The Black Album” which proved to be an …

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Description of Class Activity: Brianna and Noelle’s Presentation

For our class activity, we will be splitting our activity into two parts which includes a game of Kahoot and a mock court case. The game of Kahoot should take 10-15 minutes and it will be testing the knowledge of which tricky examples are to be considered as piracy and which are not. The second …

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Piracy and Privacy

Piracy is the practice of illegally reproducing and sharing information on the internet, such as music or software. Even though piracy is illegal in the United States of America, it still continues to persists and be successful despite the many legislations and plans developed to try to put a permanent stop to it. In the article …

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Social Software: A Blessing In Disguise

Social software is a general term used to describe social networking that allows people to communicate and collaborate while using the application according to Wikipedia. Some examples of social software are instant messaging, email, and chatrooms. Social software can be seen as a blessing in disguise because it has helped us improve/advance as a society …

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The Medium

According to Wikipedia, the phrase “the medium is the message,” created by Marshall McLuhan means that the nature of a medium (the channel through which a message is transmitted) is more important than the meaning or content of the message. This can be proven in the article “The Medium is the Message,” when it is …

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Apps, Blockchain, and Digital Currency

Apps have definitely changed the delivery marketplace because now 90% of people’s mobile use is coming from apps. Apps have been beneficial to numerous companies because they offer worldwide exposure meaning that people across the world can gain access to the company and its tools instead of only local exposure. “The Mobile Browser Is Dead, …

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Media in a Changing Global Culture

“Information about the world around us comes to us not only by words on a piece of paper but more and more through the powerful images and sounds of our multi-media culture,” states the article “Media Literacy: A National Priority for a Changing World. This is true because in today’s society, we always know what’s …

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Internet of Things

There are many pros and cons that come with connecting physical objects to the Internet. Examples of such physical objects are security cameras, thermostats, cars, vending machines etc. In the article “As Objects Go Online,” the author discussed some benefits of connecting physical objects to the internet such as with health care, “shelves and pill …

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Reality and Digital Television

Reality Television has negatively changed the ways we understand human communication because in many reality television shows, the people involved rarely communicate and when they do, it’s never communicating in a positive way. Most of the time, everyone is yelling at or trying to bring each other down with foul words and tapping into one …

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