Why Social software a blesssing in disguise?

Social software is a computer software that enables users to interact and share data. People use social software to talk with friends, and meet new people. Yes social software can be bad for many reasons like cyber bullying, or people making fake pages or accounts to be able to talk to people but it is a blessing in disguise. In the article, , ” Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?,” by danah boyd, it says, ” Profiles and Friends lists are two key features on social network sites. The third is a public commenting feature (‘Testimonials’, ‘Comments’, ‘The Wall’). This feature allows individuals to comment on their Friends’ profiles. These comments are displayed prominently and visible for anyone who has access to that profile.
These three features – profiles, Friends lists, and comments – comprise the primary structure of social network sites, although individual sites provide additional features for further engagement. While SNSes allow visitors to wander from Friend to Friend and communicate with anyone who has a visible profile, the primary use pattern is driven by pre-existing friend groups. People join the sites with their friends and use the different messaging tools to hang out, share cultural artifacts and ideas, and communicate with one another.” Also, in the same article, it says, Yet, while mediated and unmediated publics play similar roles in people’s lives, the mediated publics have four properties that are unique to them.Persistence. What you say sticks around. This is great for asynchronous communication, but it also means that what you said at 15 is still accessible when you are 30 and have purportedly outgrown your childish ways. Searchability. My mother would’ve loved the ability to scream “Find!” into the ether and determine where I was hanging out with my friends. She couldn’t, I’m thankful. Today’s teens can be found in their hangouts with the flick of a few keystrokes. Replicability. Digital bits are copyable; this means that you can copy a conversation from one place and paste it into another place. It also means that it’s difficult to determine if the content was doctored. Invisible audiences. While it is common to face strangers in public life, our eyes provide a good sense of who can overhear our expressions. In mediated publics, not only are lurkers invisible, but persistence, searchability, and replicability introduce audiences that were never present at the time when the expression was created.” Social software let us communicate with a lot of other people and if used for a good reason, it can be good for people.

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