From Wikepidia, a a Canadian philosper by the name Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase Medium is the message in 1964. In this article, it says, ” It means that the nature of a medium (the channel through which a message is transmitted) is more important than the meaning or content of the message. McLuhan tells us that a “message” is, “the change of scale or pace or pattern” that a new invention or innovation “introduces into human affairs.McLuhan uses the term ‘message’ to signify content and character. The content of the medium is a message that can be easily grasped. And the character of the medium is another message which can be easily overlooked. McLuhan says “Indeed, it is only too typical that the ‘content’ of any medium blinds us to the character of the medium.” After reading this part, the reason why medium is so important for us to consume digital media is because it is easy to read and understand. Because of this, without medium, media would just be like us reading a textbook in class that we never knew before, or understand. Because of this, it has led to a meteoric rise of new media. That’s why people would rather read social media posts, then look at traditional news. Meduim in digital media includes, new media, reading books and magazines, watching television and film, and listening to radio.(From Google) These are the types of media that we consume. Also, it keeps us attach to it no matter what. In the article, “The Medium is the Message,” by Marshall Mcluhan, it says, ” Leonard Doob, in his report Communication in Africa, tells of one African who took great pains to listen each evening to the BBC news, even though he could understand nothing of it. Just to be in the presence of those sounds at 7 P.M. each day was important for him. His attitude to speech was like ours to melody— the resonant intonation was meaning enough.” This African guy could not even understant the news that he was listening too, but still woke up early to listen to the news, that he could not understand. This is why the medium is important to how we consume digital media.
Apr 02