Media in a Changing Global Culture

Media Forms translate through culture by the use of technology including but not limited to phones, laptops, smart tvs, etc. because we can text and use social media and as technology expands more, everybody in the world can watch the same things as someone in thee other side of the world can. In the text, ” Media Literacy: A National Priority for a Changing World,” by Elizabeth Thoman and Tessa Jolls, it says, “Author Douglas Rushkoff1 calls the current youth generation “screen-agers” because their media use is not distinguished specifically as television or video games or movies or computers — or even telephones — but simply as a series of screens which they both access and manipulate in a constantly evolving stream of shared communication. This capability, in turn, is transforming the use and impact of media in everyday life:Screen-agers see media not as discrete products that can “impact” them or their culture but as elements of a multi-media mosaic that is their culture. Screen-agers “read” and “write” seamlessly using images, sounds and words. Screen-agers experience the world not in physical boundaries but as an instant global network of wireless connections and interconnections.In this kind of world, the content of a specific media message is no longer all that relevant. It’s only one of thousands received everyday. What is important is facility with analyzing new information as it’s received, evaluating it against one’s prior knowledge, formulating a response and ultimately communicating to others your decision or point of view.In other words, what is important is not so much the message itself as how we make sense of the message and by extension, of the mediated world around us. It demands a new kind of literacy, rooted in the real world of instant information, global interactivity and messages created on multiple media platforms.” As this evidence says, just because we live in different part of the world doesn’t mean we can’t communicate. As social media rises, we all react the same way and think the same things espically if it’s something we want to watch, we will continue to watch it. I am pretty sure that in Facebook, if someone wites in the comments that is in another language, we can have it translated to the language that we speak. As the use of media forms goes up, more frequently will we communicate with other cultures, and as doing that,change global culture.

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