Piracy and Privacy

Piracy is a practice similar to piracy but in other contexts, especially hijacking or the unauthorized use or reproduction of another’s work. As we know, this happens in the world of social media and technology, people taking other people work and claming it as their own. People have been hacking since I can know of technology, examples of kids hacking the PSN network and taking millions of dollars of cash offf of people debit cards. Despite this, piracy online still doesn’t have government officals making laws about it. In the text, “You Will Never Kill Piracy, and Piracy Will Never Kill You,” by Paul Tassi, it says,” What’s clear is that legislation is not the answer. Piracy is already illegal in the US, and most places around the world, yet it persists underground, but more often in plain sight. Short of passing a law that allows the actual blacklisting of websites like China and Iran, there is no legislative solution. That’s what SOPA and PIPA were attempting to do, but it so obviously trampled on the First Amendment, it was laughed out of existence as the entire internet protested it. The only other thing you could get the internet to agree on was if they tried to institute a ban on cat pictures.” Also in the same text, it says,” Piracy is not raiding and plundering Best Buys and FYEs, smashing the windows and running out with the loot. It’s like being placed in a store full of every DVD in existence. There are no employees, no security guards, and when you take a copy of movie, another one materializes in its place, so you’re not actually taking anything. If you were in such a store, you’d only have your base moral convictions to keep you from cloning every movie in sight. And anyone who knows how to get to this store isn’t going to let their conscience stop them, especially when there is no tangible “loss” to even feel bad about.” This is hurting thee case of copyright online, because if people can just go to websites where they can download a movie and watch the movie for free, without having to pay for it, it hurts the people who made it, get money for it.

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