Karey Benitez Villegas

Author's posts

Smart Home Gadgets

Karey Benitez Villegas Professor Cohen Communication in Society May 19, 2019 Smart Home Gadgets Smart Home Gadgets changed the world in various ways ever since the 1900s. Besides that, now in the 20th century it has a greater impact since technology is more advanced, we have more gadgets doing things we did not know that …

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Mashups Posing a Potential Threat

Mashups have been commonly popular through the years sometimes getting more recognition then the songs themselves. To begin mashups are a recording created by digitally combining and synchronizing instrumental tracks with vocal tracks from two or more different songs. According to the article “1+1+1=1” by Sasha Frere Jones Mashups find new uses for current digital …

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Piracy Hurting the Case for Copyright Online

Piracy is the using someone else’s work illegally, without their consent in other words copyright infringement.  The way piracy is hurting companies businesses especially Hollywood is that many users can watch a movie without having to make a payment for purchase or rent.  A great example of this would be the movie The Interview that …

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Social Software a Blessing in Disguise

As the year goes by technology is advancing the same way communication is advancing. Social Software has become a great benefit, with just a click away one can connect with hundreds of friends and family.  According to “Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?” they introduce public spaces and that public spaces have many purposes …

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The Medium

The point that “the medium is the message” because it is the medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action. The content or uses of such media are as diverse as they are ineffectual in shaping the form of human association according to “The Medium is the Message.” In the …

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Apps Changing

Today plenty of people are relying more on their applications rather than on their actual phones. According to “Wired The Rise of Chat Rooms”  in less than two years apps simple messaging services like Whatsapp, Snapchat, Kik, Line, Kakao Talk, and WeChat have grown up from nothing to become social lifelines for millions of users. …

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Media Across Culture

There have been many improvements in media and with these improvements comes changes across culture. According to Media Literacy: A National Priority for Changing World, information about the world around us comes to us not only by words on a piece of paper but more and more through the powerful images and sounds of our …

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Connecting Objects to the Internet

There is good and back when it comes to connecting objects to the internet. Today we have smart watches and even a smart home. All of these things are connected to the internet now with a touch of our fingertips we can control our surroundings basically. According As Objects Go Online, “Utilities today provide power and …

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Reality TV with Human Connection

Reality television has changed the ways in which we understand human communication in ways that is if one should even bother with traditional television. According to The Future of T.V.: Digital, Traditional and Something in Between traditional tv is not going anywhere for the reason that it had connected with consumer behavior. What they mean is …

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 To start off crowdsourcing is the practice of involving people or group for a common goal sometimes for innovation, problem solving, or efficiency.  Its more of you do work but would not get fully paid or the credit for it. In the instance of the article “The Rise of Crowdsourcing“. Claudia Menashe needed pictures for …

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