Online Communities

Social networks are a major source in today’s age with everything that can be done through these sites. People have launched their careers from some social media platforms and even utilized it to make sure that they have a steady stream of income through companies who are giving out sponsorships for people who have influence on social media to bring more customers their way. Social media has even helped people around the globe find their missing family members because they would post a photo of who they are and where they lost got to see them but someone from another area would reply and give them information to bring their loved ones back together. We all see what social media has done to society, people are a lot less social in person, people have made an ideal version of themselves online while trying to turn themselves into the identity they’ve created and made a lot of people chase the fame and try their hardest to be in the loop by being “viral” but that’s all short lived to the possibilities that social media may provide because in the grand scheme of it all…This is a FREE platform that gives everyone an opportunity to learn, communicate, and expand around the world to create opportunities for yourself that you would’ve had a more difficult time achieve without it.

In the article “Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?” it states: “These three features – profiles, Friends lists, and comments – comprise the primary structure of social network sites, although individual sites provide additional features for further engagement. While SNSes allow visitors to wander from Friend to Friend and communicate with anyone who has a visible profile, the primary use pattern is driven by pre-existing friend groups. People join the sites with their friends and use the different messaging tools to hang out, share cultural artifacts and ideas, and communicate with one another.” And this is what makes social media a blessing. There’s no regulation, there’s no fees or even someone trying to extort you to explore the networks, but you have all of the information you need to make all of the difference in your personal life because of what these three elements in social media allow you to do. This is beyond a blessing because there was a point in time where people needed to send a letter to communicate with someone who lives a long distance away from you, but social media changed all of this. Nowadays you can just turn on your phone and send them a text, a direct message via social media or you can even use an app for international texting, calls and video calling. This is a new time of communication which has become the new standard.

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