Media Theory

The medium is very important to how we consume media due to how much society may rely on it to consume their information and continue to spread information. Sometimes it’s hard to decipher who’s an authentic source because it’s shown that people tend to manipulate media in order to push a narrative that may not be true or accurate to what’s being discussed. The people who are looking to see the truth and are looking to get the latest news have to make sure they to make a conscious effort traversing through mediums to get this information. Also, with that being said the way we consume media also may be result in the act of job loss because these mediums spread news and print media may not be able to keep up. There was a point in time where print media and radio dominated the airwaves and general public to keep everyone informed because technology wasn’t as advanced as it is nowadays. This upgrade in media that’s based around everyone’s computer, cell phone or even smartwatch to consume their information without having to waste paper or wait for the radio when they can get an instant notification about what’s happening.

In the article “The Medium is the Message” General David Sarnoff said “We are too prone to make technological instruments the scapegoats for the sins of those who wield them. The products of modern science are not in themselves good or bad; it is the way they are used that determines their value”, and that’s what we see if happening today too often. People are manipulating the tools we have to spread information in the name of their personal motives that they see fit and a message they want to cast into the social atmosphere that’s already clouded with information that people are still deciphering to be true not. This is a special time in society because we have to work very hard as a society to make sure that we aren’t consuming the wrong information on a daily basis because of its popularity but by the content they’re distributing to the masses. This alone is an issue to combat on its own in the future because seeing that analog is becoming a thing of the past and our lives are becoming more involved and dependent upon with autonomous technology, the message we send on it should be one to keep people on a frequency to where we’re all learning and gathering the right information versus the hot takes that people use as their personal outlet of journalism/newscasting.

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