- What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish.
For our first activity we believed a game of Kahoot would be a fun way to test the knowledge of the students. The goal we wanted to accomplish was that the students showed they understood the lesson and the small important facts presented to them. For the second activity students were asked to make their own tv show. The purpose of this was to gain an in depth understanding on what it takes to brainstorm a new reality tv show that will gain the attention of many audiences at home.
2. Did you think it was successful?
Overall, I believe the presentation was successful due to the fact that many classmates seem to enjoy themselves learning about digital and media television. All students took part in the activities and participated for the purpose of gaining knowledge about the new topic discussed in class.
- Did it achieve your implied goals?
Going into this our goal was to cover the basics of television as well as adding interesting facts that can catch our audiences attention. The game was a tool we used to make sure there was a clear understanding of most of the things we talked about. It was nice to see that some of them had already had background knowledge on some of the questions.
- What did you learn from the experience?
We’ve learned that it truly takes communication and cooperation to have a successful presentation with someone else. It takes a lot of talking with each other and communicating to each other what goals you individually have for the project and working together to make it happen.
- How would you take this project further as a research tool and what results would you hope to achieve?
We would want to look more into media conglomerates because we both feel like we just touched the surface and didn’t dig deeper into the subject itself. It’s a huge topic, and it’s really important to understand the history behind it because it affects all of us as a society. We didn’t talk so much about the subject because we had a time limit and were afraid we’d go over the time.