With the growth of today’s technology, we see how it is rapidly becoming part of our everyday lifestyle. The technological growth is spreading into many physical things such as watches, tables, speakers and more. But one thing we were never expecting to see turn into something technology related are our physical objects such as our doorbells, thermostats, refrigerator, etc. In the passage, “A Manifesto for Networked Objects: Why Things Matter” by Julian Bleecker it speaks on bloggers which are “participants in a network exchange, disseminating thoughts, opinions, ideas – making culture” through the internet. The idea of blogging has grown tremendously as many may see on youtube. This shows how it is part of what will take over in the technological future. As mentioned in, Neil Gershenfeld and JP Vasseur, As Objects Go Online “The Promise (and Pitfalls) of the Internet of Things” it states how the growth of computers and technology have grown in a significant rate. Technology has been put into our lives for even the most minimal things. Although this may be good in some cases to make our lives easier, there’s also cons that have to come into consideration when it comes to technology being used in so many aspects of our lives. According to “Thermostats, Locks and Lights: Digital Tools of Domestic Abuse, ” Nellie Bowles, NY Times, it points out the cons of having a smart home. Victims of domestic abuse are reaching out to the domestic abuse hotline to report their partners who are hacking into various items such as locks, air conditioner, and doorbell. “Callers have said the abusers were monitoring and controlling them remotely through the smart home appliances and the smart home system,” this shows the dangerous side of the connection between physical objects to the internet. It is risking the safety of its users, and causing problems to their lives.
Mar 12