The media industry has made its spread throughout all parts of the world. With this, the connection to different people around the world has never been easier. This form of human interaction through media communication has caused a great amount of advancement in the media world. As stated by Elizabeth Thoman and Tessa Jolls, “Media Literacy: A National Priority for a Changing World” it mentions that past meaning of media literacy. “At first media literacy was seen as teaching children about media — how advertising works or how to analyze the nightly news telecast.” but today its seen as a field that “has matured to a greater understanding of its potential, not just as a new kind of “literacy” but more, as the engine for transforming the very nature of learning in a global multimedia environment.” this change has occurred due to the fact that in todays century, the younger generation will grow up in a life where everything revolves around technology. It also speaks about how information its brought to our attention from things such as images and sound. With this we can connect with many people from all around the world. As mentioned by Henry Jenkins, “Eight Traits of the New Media Landscape” it speaks about the new traits that come with media. The list focuses on how to project ideas and how to fit in to the new technological world. This 2006 article is important because it gave its readers at the time a run down of what to expect with this new wave of technology. In the BBC article, “Does globalization mean we will become one culture?” it speaks about the similarities all parts of the world have and how media brings them all together. As mentioned in the article, Starbucks, Facebook, Coca-Cola all have the same products and feeling in different countries. Because of it, “It is easy to see this homogenization in terms of loss of diversity, identity or the westernization of society.” Overall, globalization has taken over to the point where different countries still connect in the same single way.
Mar 20