Reality tv

∫How has reality television changed the ways in which we understand human communication?

After reading the article assigned for this class, we are able to conclude that consumers are moving away from traditional tv and on to streaming apps.  Reality tv shows are said to mirror our real daily lives however, we know the content being provided represents s lifestyle most of us really dont live by. One of the articles, “Review: Smart We Live in Public Probes Web Genius’ Hubris” states  “ Filmmaker Timoner participated in the experiment herself. She captures the de-evolution of optimistic arty types into semi-deranged test subjects with vivid quick takes that allow viewers to make up their own minds about the test subjects’ behavior”, basically this was the startup of reality tv, we watched this people live and  we are self get to decided wether or not to condemn the act right or wrong. For young viewers, who is watching merely for entertainment they may not understand whats going on and practice this actions. One of the reason why it has changed the way we perceive human communication is because we all imitate to some extent what we are watching. Yes, reality tv is not forcing us to watch these shows but when we see that the actions protayed is deemed “ok” for television to show  then one can make the connection that it is ok for us to perform these acts in real life. The author, of the article “ The Messy, Confusing Future of Tv? Its here”, claims “On the other hand, Facebook — which makes its money from advertising — is giving its shows away free. Their theory is that the more time Facebook users spend watching video, the more ads they’ll see. Facebook doesn’t have a huge library of popular content like Disney, but it does have a treasure trove of data about the personal tastes and preferences of its more than two billion registered users, and presumably plans to use that data to target ads at exactly the people companies want to reach”,  which makes it even worse for human interaction because our data are being sold to advertising companies, yes we can choose what we want to watch however the content provided might not be beneficial to all of us.

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