Why is social software a blessing in disguise?

Throughout history, we’ve seen that technological advances have been improving the way we interact with one another. The article “Abundance in Scarcity” by Michelle Kasprzak states that “systems are constantly in use, enabling us to express ourselves for purposes both mundane and sublime”. Therefore, Social software allows, for the share of ideas, creativity, knowledge and so much more by enabling us to interact and share data. Social network consists of apps, like facebook myspace, twitter, instagram and so many other apps that allows us to share media and communicate with one another. It also allows us to network with  people from different places in the world, as stated in the article “Social Network Sites: Public, Private, or What?” by Danah Boyd, “The collection of ‘Friends’ is not simply a list of close ties (or what we would normally call ‘friends’). Instead, this feature allows participants to articulate their imagined audience – or who they see being a part of their world within the site.” The article also states that social network sites is indeed one of the biggest platforms to communicate with one another, given that even though yes we join these sites and we can interact with other people we don’t know we still join these sites with the idea that our friends are also on these sites. Boyd also states that “Social network sites are the latest generation of ‘mediated publics’ – environments where people can gather publicly through mediating technology.” In a way mediated publics offline and online are kind of similar since they both allow people to freely interact with one another without being force to be apart of the conversation because they can leave at any time or simply ignore what is going on.

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