Apps have impacted the digital delivery marketplace in a significant way. Digital delivery, is the way for organizations ranging from different sectors of our daily lives to deliver content to consumers specifically through apps. As mentioned in the article “ The Mobile Browser is Dead, Long Live The App” by Ewan Spence people are no longer acquiring information through browsing but through apps. The article explains that, yes people are using their phones more now than they ever did however most of their time using certain applications. Therefore, if you are a company trying to reach a digital marketplace the best way to do so is by creating an app that appeals to consumer. In the article “The Rise of Chat Apps”, we see the benefits these apps have on consumer and why they tend to spend more time using it, the article mentions that apps like facebook, whatsapp, kik, Snapchat and many other have become “social lifelines”. This is because these apps save people a lot of money on texting fees. Another way apps, have change the digital delivery marketplace, is that instead of being in platforms posting and reading about other life, you can instead have more natural communications through mobile messaging apps. Another way the digital delivery marketplace is changing, is by increasing competitions between the producers of the apps. However this competitions lead to nothing, because the article also mentions that even though facebook has been a very strong competitor, users tend to use multiple messaging apps at the same time and not just facebook. To move away from messaging apps, another form of services provided to consumer through apps is digital currency. According to the article “The Fierce Battle for the Soul of Bitcoin” is An anonymous, encrypted, government-free online version of money. Bitcoin has been growing immensely the article also states that “A Flash Guide to Bitcoin The digital currency may have begun as an experiment for techno-libertarians and geeks, but today it’s growing into something much bigger”. As for the future of digital currency, i think it would make greater advances to attract a greater amount of users.