The point that “the medium is the message” because it is the medium that shapes and controls the scale and form of human association and action. The content or uses of such media are as diverse as they are ineffectual in shaping the form of human association according to “The Medium is the Message.” In the article the examples they used were IBM and the General Electric Company. The way they use “the medium is the message” in these examples is that with IBM discovered that it was not in the business of making office equipment or business machines, but instead it was in the business of processing information they made a new identity as in find what they are actually good at. Then with General Electric Company “for electric light and power are separate from their uses, but they eliminate time and space factors in human association exactly as do radio, telegraph, telephone, and TV, creating involvement in depth.” Technically saying electric light is useful when it comes to sharing information. It can be used in form of a television, radio, or laptop. One starts to get the idea that medium is a message but interpreted in different ways across the media also can be shown not in the same way. There are factors that make each thing different like media platforms facebook and instagram both are social networks but are two completely things one can share everything on facebook while on instagram just photos and 60 second videos.
Apr 02