Today plenty of people are relying more on their applications rather than on their actual phones. According to “Wired The Rise of Chat Rooms” in less than two years apps simple messaging services like Whatsapp, Snapchat, Kik, Line, Kakao Talk, and WeChat have grown up from nothing to become social lifelines for millions of users. The thing with these apps that makes them so successful is that they are benefiting their owners by saving them money on text messaging fees. “The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live The App” said that plenty of people are living in their smartphone applications as in they are relying much more on the applications rather than their own browser. Although one will believe that using the application is easier and faster one thing to keep in mind is mobile web promotes access for everyone to everyone, the app model hands the gatekeepers the power of access and discovery, leaving the service providers beholden to their policies, their platform tools, and their rules, which can change with little notice. We have new things for currency such as apple pay or having our physical bank cards connected to our smartphones but in the future Bitcoin will be more frequently used. According to “The Fierce of Bitcoin” what makes bitcoin attractive also made it bewildering for non-coders. Using it required balky and hard-to-use software called a wallet. Bitcoins is also a challenge to obtain—mostly you had to purchase them from middlemen who operated in the regulatory shadows and who sometimes turned out to be crooks. Bitcoin is now being used for to buy or sell items from people and companies across the world.
Mar 26