Piracy Hurting the Case for Copyright Online

Piracy is the using someone else’s work illegally, without their consent in other words copyright infringement.  The way piracy is hurting companies businesses especially Hollywood is that many users can watch a movie without having to make a payment for purchase or rent.  A great example of this would be the movie The Interview that was technically banned from movies theaters and only viewed online through purchasing or renting it. In the article “Everything we know about how people watched “The Interview” and what it means for the future of internet video”, the two million legal downloads of The Interview in four days compare to 1.5 million illegal downloads of the film in two days. Sony has only made the film available in the US and Canada, so the rest of the world would have had to resort to piracy, which was aided by some loopholes left open by sites offering the movie. According to “You Will Never Kill Piracy and Piracy Will Never Kill You”, they said  projects with bloated budgets and massively overpaid talent might start to fade away, but that can only be a good thing creatively for all the industries. To threaten us with the idea that pop culture is going to disappear entirely because of piracy is just moronic. When it comes to piracy, all that money users are saving from purchasing or renting the movies is the money companies are loosing when people do not purchase or rent through them. Another thing besides movies would be music, back in the day there was this thing were one can download music illegally it was called Limewire. Limewire became very popular but it was later shut down. Websites like those tend to shut down then to later be replaced with something else, “More or less, a series of shutdowns led to The Pirate Bay’s rise to prominence anyway. Napster got shut down and LimeWire quickly took its place. LimeWire was replaced by uTorrent, and uTorrent is the current go-to for torrenting.” according to The Pirate Bay Shutdown: The Whole Story (So Far).

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